Thursday, October 28, 2010

Penguins Unveil Winter Classic Uniforms

This afternoon, the Pittsburgh Penguins unveiled the new jerseys they will wear for this year's Winter Classic @ Heinz Field, and on two other occasions this year:

Kudos to the organization for going with the franchise's original logo, colors and number style.  Those decisions get a A+.

But just like trying to drink so much you convince yourself that the DUFF  (not to be confused with Hilary -- instead, Designated Ugly Fat Friend) you're preoccupied with is worth your time so your friend can get a much better piece, trying too hard usually ends up with bad results.

The striping at the bottom and on the sleeves is also a homage to the team's first jersey, but those stripes were much less pronounced, and therefore didn't look as bad. 

The stripes on these jerseys are -- in a word -- hideous.

In fact, I heard a rumor that when Brent Johnson saw them, he vomited so hard, he pulled a hamstring and forced Dan Bylsma to go back with Fleury tomorrow night against the Flyers.

Okay, that's only somewhat of a true story. 

Johnson doesn't have a hammy problem, but Blysma is said to be going back with #29 tomorrow night.

I can neither confirm or deny the vomiting (fortunately).

More tomorrow.

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