Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sidney Crosby Is Ridiculous

How good is Sidney Crosby with the puck?

We've seen highlight shootout-winning goals ... an Olympic gold-medal winner ... heck, even a shot up a ramp through field goal uprights.

But for those who have yet to see this wicked piece of artwork on or, click on THIS and take a gander at what #87 can do with the puck when he's just fooling around.

I'm not sure what's more impresive -- the fact that he can zing five straight shots from 35 feet, EACH one in off the iron; or that he can knock a pyramid of pucks off the bench boards basically ONE AT A TIME TOP TO BOTTOM, from about 50 feet, then pick off the puck that rolls down the wall with a single shot from the same distance.

There's little Sidney Crosby does doesn't amaze anymore, but that was some footage.

And while I'm talking about Crosby, here's one other great piece about him from Pittsburgh Magazine.  

Okay ... this was just an extra.  Come back tomorrow for my look at the squad after the 1st quarter.

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